Best motivational weekend

BEST’s history!

BEST is the acronym for Board of European Students of Technology. We are a non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit organization designed and created by technology students from all over Europe. Formed in 1989 with the aim of strengthening relations between students, universities and companies, we are a dynamic and growing organization. Our main activities are based on providing complementary education, career support and educational involvement.

BEST in numbers







BEST Vision

BEST’s mission!

BEST is an international organization that focuses on exploring different cultures and developing capacities to work on an international basis and in a diverse environment. We have the mission to make European students more internationally minded and create different opportunities and events that provide the skills and occasion to explore your international and personal competences.

BEST Spirit


We seek the ability to make changes and deal with changing conditions. We are open to everything new. We value and raise the ability of being mobile and to quickly respond to changes in the environment or any other obstacles that we face.


We build good relationships in which people help, support and care for one another. We value good personal relations and teamwork. We focus on each person involved in our activities and in this way we create synergy.


We enjoy everything we do. We value the positive emotions of the people involved in our actions. We strive to make our activities enjoyable to everybody who is connected to them. We act with passion and strive to share this passion with people around us.


We strive to continuously improve the standards in everything we do. We use all our creativity to enhance the way we work. This is to guarantee the constant development of our actions.


We gain skills and understanding through experience. We value everything we learn through the experience of being involved in our activities and we strive to learn as much as possible from every aspect of our work.

Want to learn more?

Visit the BEST international website and discover all the opportunities that await you. You can also see what other Local Best Groups have been up to!

Click here!