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FAQtastic Questions
This year's edition will take place in Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda Campus, Civil Building!
Every student of Tecnico and FCUL is welcome to attend!
Teams are composed by at most 4 students that must attend the entire challenge. You can apply by yourself and we will group you if there's enough people to fill a team.
Above this FAQ section you can find the rules and regulations of the event. We also have a handy Survival Guide to help you know what to expect!
Your team may be composed by any combination of year and university, as long as everyone is eligible to the challenge.
There's a security deposit of 2.5€/participant, which will be returned at the end of the challenge unless the team fails to participate, or is reponsible for damages. You must pay to complete your registration, all information is in the registration form above!
This challenge takes place over a 24h period, starting on the 25th of March. You will be able to present your final projects to the jury on the 27th.
The teams may rest and use any available facilities within the challenge area. Remember, you are responsible for managing your own time! Teams may not, however, leave the challenge area during the event without forfeiting.
While you may apply for both, your team will only be selected for one of them. The two will run in parallel during the 24h of this challenge.
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